SPOILER! Glee Music: Season 5, Episode 13Spoiler! Glee Music for 100th episode Part 2
Glee's song list for the 100th episode has already been confirmed, 10 of them being voted by the public, but only 7 have been officially confirmed.
The other 3 songs will be performed Glee's part 2 of the 100th episode.
There's been rumors for the songs that will be sung in the part 2 episode, although the show has not by the show.
Rumored Song List:
1. I Am Changing(Dreamgirls):
Kurt and Mercedes
2. Total Eclipse of the Heart(Bonnie Tyler):
Will and April Rhodes
3. Party All the Time(Eddie Murphy):
Holly Holliday and New Directions
4. Loser Like Me (as a ballad):
Blaine, Sam, Artie, and Tina
5. Be Okay(Oh Honey):
Rachel and Santana
6. Just Give Me a Reason(Pink):
Quinn and Puck
7. Don't Stop Believin(Journey):
Rachel, Blaine, Kurt, Artie, Tina, and New Directions